Two albums keeping me company on this Sunday as I wrestle with writer's block:
Two albums keeping me company on this Sunday as I wrestle with writer's block:
Posted by
Owley Patrol
12/27/2009 11:11:00 PM
Repost from RFTH:
Posted by
Owley Patrol
12/10/2009 07:31:00 PM
Posted by
Owley Patrol
12/08/2009 04:37:00 PM
This past weekend was an absolute whirlwind for me. After an unforgettable experience at ATP's Nightmare Before Xmas at Butlins, I ended it with a rather amazing and cozy Sunday in Londontown. What can be better than an intimate acoustic performance by the exquisite The Clientele, followed by a delicious traditional Sunday roast (both at The Lexington) and crowned by a proper English bath?
Posted by
Owley Patrol
12/07/2009 11:03:00 PM
Before winter makes its arrival, here is the last of my fall mixes, beta 3... a bit random at times but these gems have been keeping me company these last couple of months. x
Posted by
Owley Patrol
11/29/2009 06:10:00 PM
These ladies really did it for me this year... First there was Camera Obscura's My Maudlin Career, then Taken by Trees' East of Eden. Now it's El Perro del Mar's Love is Not Pop.
I'm a sucker for sad songs sung by sweet voices... and Sarah from El Perro del Mar can make even the worst song sound heavenly. When I first heard her new album, "Gotta Get Smart" was it for me.
Then I found comfort in "A Better Love." These two songs absolutely encapsulate the last couple of months for me.
I think the last time I cried during a show was at Acoustic Mainlines.
Seeing El Perro del Mar play tonight nicely rounded off this year for me. Don't you love it when the music you love listening to at home comes alive right in front of your eyes... complete with the best musicians with the most beautiful guitars, backing up a beautiful singer with the best outfit on, singing like there's no tomorrow? Things have changed since I last saw her a few years ago. She's in a different place now. So am I. Our timing is great.
Posted by
Owley Patrol
11/23/2009 11:11:00 PM
Posted by
Owley Patrol
11/22/2009 10:55:00 PM
Posted by
Owley Patrol
11/14/2009 10:44:00 PM
It's been three years since I quit touring. I was beat up at the end of the North American tour and when I finally got home, I canceled the European tour due to "exhaustion." I had it with playing live. Had it with sound check. Had it with looking at the band. Had it with eating shitty random food on the side of freeways (though I did love the truck stops). Had it with sitting at the merch table... Had it with waiting around 23 hours of each day for that one hour we would play. I was done. I was bored.
Posted by
Owley Patrol
10/27/2009 12:51:00 AM
Jeremy, didn't it seem like another lifetime when we went to see Pet Shop Boys' Pandemonium Tour at the Greek Theatre? And that was around two weeks ago. It was a hot and humid Indian Summer's evening. Our timing was perfect. We made it to the Redwood Lounge and just had enough time for a drink and barely a second at the mediocre buffet. Then the show started. I'm sure it reminded you of how weird LA music fans can be. Similar to the phenomenon of Latino Morrissey obsessives in Southern California, the mix at the show consisted of drunken sorority girls dressed up to the nines which gave us a good chuckle and a nudge but mostly it was the bears and otters that I was most fascinated by... especially the one standing to your right.
But the show. What a show. We were wowed. We were giddy. The Greatest Hits Tour. The Greatest Art Installation. It was a proper show. True entertainers, Neil Tennant and Christ Lowe are masters at bringing together the high and low, the refined and camp, all with a fun sense of irony. The production value was like no other. It was a visual homage to the masters of contemporary art and their eccentricities. I saw obvious references to Gilbert and George, Derek Jarman, Ellsworth Kelly, Rei Kawakubo, Warhol, Albers, Hockney, Richter and Archigram. Phew. That's a nice nod to a major list.
Posted by
Owley Patrol
10/10/2009 10:33:00 AM
Posted by
Owley Patrol
10/08/2009 12:00:00 AM
And more exists elsewhere now...
Lately, I've been feeling disconnected with Owley Patrol... A break is needed.
But for now, I may be found here sometimes...
(The search engines are not going to be pleased about this.)
Posted by
Owley Patrol
10/04/2009 07:30:00 PM
Normally my mixes are not made in any sort of order, I prefer "shuffle by song." But somehow in this instance, try playing it in reverse alphabetical order upon first listen.
Posted by
Owley Patrol
10/01/2009 05:17:00 PM
Really? Another blog? I'm in deep now...
Somehow, out of nowhere, I got invited to contribute to BESTEST SONG EVER. How did they know? Thanks Duskin... Have fun in Paris. x
Posted by
Owley Patrol
10/01/2009 12:24:00 AM
The most elegant (and Most Beautiful) lady I know, Ms. Cynthia Leung will co-present the Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2008 this weekend.
The New York Art Book Fair
Oct 1: (VIP Preview)
Oct 2-4
@ P.S. 1
With a giant bottle of sake and "The Present Issue" for sale.
The winners of the Most Beautiful Swiss Books (2008) will be exhibited, with Cynthia's (!) essay included in "The Present Issue" catalogue...
Only for the true (Most Beautiful) book nerds!
Posted by
Owley Patrol
9/28/2009 06:30:00 PM
This made my morning.
via Tirado/Thrown via Filastine Frequency.
Posted by
Owley Patrol
9/27/2009 10:30:00 AM
Jeremy reminded me of how relevant this song is still today...
I used to think Neil Hannon was such a babe, still do...
Posted by
Owley Patrol
9/26/2009 11:59:00 PM
My friend Mary's blog is pretty cool. And her Still Life Installation was pretty cool too (from what friends told me). Too bad I'm too late in posting it but I truly feel that everyone needs some Slow and Steady in their life (especially me)...
Posted by
Owley Patrol
9/22/2009 07:20:00 PM
This is how I feel today. Insane. Crazy. About to snap! Out of control and no one is stopping me! Friend said it's Mercury Retrograde and I keep fighting it. I guess I'm supposed to be planning and getting things in order and not communicating or trying to resolve things with other people. I don't know if I can be patient enough until September 29th. Do I roll with the punches? Time-Out...
Posted by
Owley Patrol
9/21/2009 05:30:00 PM
Can't get enough of these two....
Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything more recent.
Posted by
Owley Patrol
9/16/2009 12:12:00 AM
Gonna get to see Farmer in all his glory tonite!
Farmer Dave Scher at the Silent Movie Theater from Farmer Dave Scher on Vimeo.
Posted by
Owley Patrol
9/15/2009 08:00:00 PM
I went to see Girls last night. I loved it. I haven't been this excited about seeing a band live in a very long time. I stood in front the whole time, took arty pics (what an atrocity) and swayed my head back and forth to each song (and freaked out to "Hellhole Ratrace" and "Lust for Life"). Even a dumb albatross of a girl (who moved like she was on E) spilled red wine on my virginal white BOY (Band of Outsiders) dress * didn't make a damn difference.
There's something about stripes... I couldn't take my eyes off Christopher.
His timing was something to see... How many times did Christopher jerk his left knee up? Like it was some kind of uncontrollable, endearing OCD tick...
I'm growing out my hair again and am dedicating it to Girls.
* (The dress is all cleaned now.)
Posted by
Owley Patrol
9/11/2009 10:10:00 PM
The fires are waning... The air is cooling and becoming more bearable. I can go back to the hills for my hikes again... My favorite thing to do is to listen to music (really loud) during these hikes. And I'm in my own little world. It's invigorating and it clears my head (which so clearly needs clearing).
New MAJOR releases this season: The Clientele, Atlas Sound, The XX, Girls and Taken by Trees ...
(Non) Seasonal Music
If I like a song, I'll have it on repeat until I'm satisfied (which could take ages). Click to go to their site for a listen. All gorgeous. All essential. Daily staples.
What can I say? I'm trendy.
Posted by
Owley Patrol
9/08/2009 10:10:00 PM
Ask and you shall receive Jeremy. Here's the track you requested. 1993 was a pretty good year for us I reckon...
Doods dig Girls, girls dig Girls... Yes (!) Girls do rule... a lot!
"Sometimes you've just gotta make it for yourself.
Sometimes Sugar, it just takes someone else.
Sometimes you've just gotta make it for yourself.
Sometimes Baby, you just need someone else."
Posted by
Owley Patrol
9/08/2009 12:12:00 AM