I think I'm all these things. Yes, I love to buy gifts for myself, friends and family (esp. the sis) and lug scads of knickknacky souvenirs back home. Yes, I love to take a ridiculous amount of photo's of famous sight-seeing destinations (they look different from each angle, y'all know). And yes indeed, one of the best parts when traveling is not necessarily bringing back those material momentos but relishing in the spirit of adventure and the unknown. To explore other people's cultures/lifestyles and fantasizing if you too could live there is what I always think about. It's a fun game to play. It's all about making it your own experience.
The French really know how to live well. On a nice warm night, you and your friends bring a baguette, some fromage et jambon, and a bottle of vin and just hang out here... Or make-out... Your preference.
Super dank, super spooky. Kinda blows your mind how colossal this is... (a bone collection of 6 million Parisians!)