It was pretty ultimate today. Farmer's market in the morn, ran into old college friends who I haven't seen in forever, bought enough deliciousness to last me this entire week, then onwards to BWS rehearsal (more below, it's definitely worth it's own entry really), then hiking plans in Solstice Canyon didn't go as planned as it's closed until next week but no matter, detoured to the 'Bu for a nice sunset with lovely friends and finally a tête-à-tête Sunday supper with Ez at the Four Seasons. Oh and the Lakers won. Good day innit?
It warmed my heart (unexpectedly) when I saw those green and blue cases upon my arrival...
I was invited by Brent (turns out without that official familial "title," we can just bro down like we used to, a good heart and a good mind for sure...) to listen in and get a taste of how the BWS rehearsals are coming along before their big reunion Sub Pop anniversary show next month. Chris/Jen were late so Aaron suggested I fill in on the keys. Hmmm, no thanks, not my band. Then, Brent, always the cheekiest, started playing "Blood Brothers." Aaron turned on the amp that was connected to the wurly and all of the sudden, I started playing along. Dude, how ironic is this? First time playing Tyde songs in over a year & a half and without Darren! So funny. So sad. Then we jammed to "All My Bastard" and it came to me as natural as ever. And the most amazing thing happened... it was fun! It felt so natural to play with other people again... And not just any other folks, they are MY peeps, my music friends, my oldest friends who I've been through the best and worst times with, they are sort of family...
Lucky I was there to remind them that they had forgotten to add "New County," "Sing Your Thoughts," and an oldie but a goodie "Windows '65" (which is saved for Phase 2 I was told...)
Farmer Dave might not be there for those shows but the magic is still there. It sounded so good, special, intimate, just like the beginning...
Kate & Sara at the 'Bu
Wiggles & Scott
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Just a Perfect Day...
Posted by
Owley Patrol
6/15/2008 10:10:00 PM