Trying to keep it together and stay sane in this last week before I go on holiday. Patience is a virtue I utterly lack.
These are my friends... to keep me company until then...
Endearing Tessa at Ooga Booga' 4th year anniversary party last Sunday. Congrats Wiggles! 4 strong years! That's like a high school diploma!
ds & I both needed some good hot broth as we were under the weather, so we had some pho ga after the "Beautiful Losers" screening. I think a kid would get a more inspirational kick out of this film than someone old & weary like meself.
Good times with Lecia, Stuart and Erin. When Stuart bit into the daikon salmon roll at Saito, he declared, "J'approve, j'approve, j'approve!" I'm gonna use this line every time I eat something yummy from now on. It's an encompassing statement really.
Another beautiful night in LA. Do you see the North Star Lacenaire?
I'm really into sincerity and righteousness lately and earnestness is just oozing out of these songs-
*Bonnie Prince Billy's new"Lie Down In The Light" record is so good, his voice is breaking my heart right now and the musicianship is exceptional: Easy Does It.mp3
*Two oldies but goodies, they never get old for Embrace is my Oasis: Come Back to What You Know.mp3 & My Weakness is None of Your Business.mp3
Friday, August 15, 2008
Easy does it...
Posted by
Owley Patrol
8/15/2008 12:02:00 AM