"I was born with a reading list I will never finish."
But it helps to keep my mind off other things...
Animal Shelter Issue 1
Fleeting, and non-hierarchical, Animal Shelter is part intellectual journal, part DIY ‘zine.
John Ashbery's A World Country
"...It will all be over in a minute, you said. We both
Believed that, and the clock's ticking: Flame on, flame on."
Joseph Beuys and Rudolf Steiner: Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition
This NGV exhibition catalog explores the blackboard drawings of sculptor Joseph Beuys and philosopher Rudolf Steiner. I will always be in awe of Mr. Beuys.
The Sea, the Sea by Iris Murdoch
Borrowing it from the Poet upstairs..
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Deep versed in books and shallow in himself.
Posted by Owley Patrol at 6/09/2009 11:11:00 PM