Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Sous La Plage (Pt. 4)

On my last day in Paris, I went to Parc André Citröen to catch my DubLab friends perform at the Sous La Plage festival. Located next to the Seine in the 15th Arrondissement, this futurist park was probably the coolest thing I've yet to see in Paris. Geometric landscaping with post-modern construction, this park contains two huge glasshouses in which one holds an orangery of various Australian shrubs. Concurrently, I think there must have been a festival for children as there were so many precious Tintin kids playing about.

I wanted to go on this hot air balloon ride but the wait was like 2 hours!

One of the glasshouses. So cool.

Nobody and friends performing.

It's so rad to see your friends in another country.

The walk from the metro to the park... Who would of thought this kind of shop exists in the middle of Paris?

biologique = organic
The secret to delicious French food has always been the use of fresh, locally produced and in-season ingredients. The marketing devils have caught on; at most restaurants I dined this time in Paris, I noticed "bio" on most au courant menus.